12 Challenges Of Quitting Porn

The Arduous Journey of Quitting Pornography: A Quest for Liberation


6/4/202319 min read

brown wooden blocks on white surface
brown wooden blocks on white surface

Even since I discovered the devastating impact of pornography on my mind and libido, I embarked on a quest to quit it. I naively believed it would be a walk in the park, but boy, how freaking wrong I was.

Quitting porn is like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. It's a challenge that requires more determination than trying to resist the allure of a freshly baked creamy chocolate cake.

The effort required to kick the habit is often underestimated by a landslide. Many people, especially my fellow men, like to pretend they have the willpower of a stoic monk who can effortlessly renounce the temptations of the digital underworld.

They strut around, thinking porn doesn't affect them, just like how seagulls pretend they're too cool to be bothered by breadcrumbs.

You see, porn isn't just a fleeting pleasure; it's a relentless seductress that has mastered the art of deception.

It's like a shape-shifting chameleon, adapting to your every desire and luring you in with its siren call. It's a cunning magician, casting spells on your mind and convincing you that it's harmless fun, while secretly holding your libido and mental health hostage.

Allow me to shed some light on the reasons why this process is so arduous.

1) Infinite Accessibility

In the old days, acquiring pornography required embarking on covert missions to shady shops or snooping around your dad's secret hiding spots like a detective on a case.

But oh, how times have changed!

Thanks to the Internet, the world of adult entertainment is now at our fingertips, quite literally.

It's like having a 24/7 adult playground that fits right in your pocket.

With just a few taps and swipes, you can unlock a treasure trove of tantalizing content. It's a digital buffet that never closes, serving up all sorts of visual delights whenever, whatever and wherever you desire.

Gone are the days of waiting for the right moment when everyone is out or fast asleep. Thanks to the glorious invention of smartphones, you can now indulge in your guilty pleasures even in the most unexpected places.

Shockingly, there are even reports on Reddit of people watching porn and achieving sexual release under library tables. It is truly a bizarre reality we find ourselves in today.

And let's not forget the creative utilization of the restroom or toilet, which has transformed into a sanctuary for those seeking a private moment of self-indulgence.

The toilet has gone from a place of quiet contemplation to a convenient nut-busting hub. It's like a secret haven for those in need of a quick escape from reality (I’m guilty as charged), where one can immerse themselves in a world of fantasy and pornography.

But hey, let's not judge too harshly (even ourselves).

We're all human, and sometimes we succumb to the siren song of our desires.

Recognizing the power of environmental factors and making intentional changes can be instrumental in overcoming the temptation to engage in PMO. It's important to identify the tools or triggers that contribute to the behavior and take steps to keep them out of reach whenever possible.

One effective strategy is to create physical barriers that make it more challenging to access pornography.

For example, keeping your smartphone out of the bathroom or leaving the door open while you're in your room can help minimize the privacy and solitude that may lead to PMO.

By implementing these practical measures, you can create a safer space for yourself and reduce the likelihood of falling into old habits.

2) Zero Cost

a pile of money sitting on top of a wooden floor
a pile of money sitting on top of a wooden floor

In the past, building a substantial porn collection required a significant investment.

You had to gather your hard-earned cash, sneak into those shady establishments, and discreetly purchase DVDs or magazines like a secret agent on a mission.

It was a costly endeavor that also came with the risk of your stash being discovered by your spouse or parents, especially if you were a young enthusiast trying to explore the forbidden realm.

However, with the advent of the Internet, a world of free adult content has unfolded before our eyes. It's like stumbling upon a never-ending treasure trove where the entry fee is...well, nothing!

No more spending time painstakingly downloading files that take up precious space on your computer or leaving digital breadcrumbs for potential discovery. With high-speed internet, you can now enjoy the pleasures of online streaming, and with a simple click, erase any trace of your naughty browsing history.

It's like having a magical button that wipes away all evidence of your digital debauchery.

The internet has truly revolutionized accessibility to all sorts of sexual content. It's as if the universe has conspired to place an encyclopedia of desires at your fingertips.

Whether your interests lie in the realm of the mild or venture into the wild, you can now explore a vast landscape of carnal curiosities with just a few clicks.

However, my friend, let us not forget the importance of responsibility and discretion. While the world of free online content may seem like a never-ending buffet of pleasures, it's crucial to remember that there are consequences when you start indulging in this endless sea of pleasure.

So, enjoy the wonders of the digital age, but remember to exercise restraint and mindfulness.

As the saying goes, with great accessibility comes great responsibility... and maybe a touch of incognito browsing.

3) Trigger Infested Modern World

Breaking free from the grip of porn addiction requires a Herculean effort, especially when triggers seem to lurk around every corner, like mischievous imps waiting to lead you astray.

In our technologically advanced era, suggestive content and scantily clad ladies have become as ubiquitous as the air we breathe.

They seem to be everywhere, found on almost every YouTube video and thumbnails, internet browsing sessions, advertisements, television shows, even our daily stroll down the streets.

It's like a never-ending parade of temptation, all strategically placed to captivate our attention and satisfy our innate curiosity.

And let's not forget the sneaky infiltrators hiding in the lyrics of songs or the visually stimulating MTVs that make your pulse race.

They serve as additional reminders of the vast landscape of triggers that surround us, making it seemingly impossible to escape their grasp.

It's as if the world has become a playground for clickbait, where every corner is adorned with provocative imagery, all vying for a slice of our attention.

In such a world, cutting off all forms of internet connection and media may seem like the only path to sanctuary. It's like retreating to a remote cabin in the woods, far away from the temptations that lurk in the digital realm.

But let's face it, that's not a practical solution for most of us.

Instead, it's important to develop a shield of awareness and resilience. Acknowledge that triggers are indeed everywhere, but remember that you hold the power to resist their allure.

Cultivate the ability to recognize when you're being lured in and consciously redirect your attention to more fulfilling and productive activities.

However, relying solely on willpower can indeed be challenging, particularly after a long and exhausting day of work.

To enhance your chances of success, it's wise to implement additional measures that can support your journey towards quitting porn.

One effective approach is to utilize technology to your advantage.

Install apps or browser extensions that can block access to certain websites or restrict your internet usage during vulnerable times of the day. By creating these digital barriers, you can create a safer online environment that aligns with your goals.

In addition, being mindful of the media you consume is crucial.

It's wise to reevaluate your social media usage and consider eliminating or reducing exposure to platforms that may serve as triggers, such as Instagram or TikTok.

These platforms often contain sexualized content that can act as a gateway to pornography. Taking a break from them or actively curating your feed to exclude such content can significantly reduce the likelihood of being exposed to explicit material.

Recognize that implementing these strategies is not a sign of weakness, but rather a demonstration of your commitment to personal growth and well-being.

By proactively creating a supportive environment and utilizing technology responsibly, you are empowering yourself to make positive choices and stay on the path towards a porn-free life.

4) Doing For The Wrong Reason

When embarking on the quest to quit pornography, it's crucial to align our reasons with our truest selves.

Sometimes, we may find ourselves drawn to altruistic ideals or noble aspirations, inspired by TED Talk videos and the desire to show respect for women, viewing them as more than mere sexual objects.

It's a commendable intention, especially when fueled by the love and care we have for our loved ones, such as a loving wife and beautiful daughters (yeah I am talking about myself).

But here's where the journey can take an unexpected turn.

As we intertwine our efforts with external motivations, there is a risk of resentment and unmet expectations.

We might start yearning for recognition and validation, hoping that our loved ones will acknowledge the sacrifices we make for them. When they don't conform to our expectations or fail to notice our efforts, feelings of frustration and ingratitude may creep in, clouding the very foundation of our initial intentions.

Moreover, when we perceive imbalances in our relationships, such as when our partner may not address their own struggles or addictions, it can trigger a sense of injustice.

We might feel burdened with the weight of responsibility while questioning the fairness of the situation. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing efforts and seeking external affirmation, forgetting that intrinsic motivation is the key to long-lasting change.

I vividly recall the overwhelming frustration and demoralization I experienced when I perceived that my wife wasn't giving her best to support my efforts in building a previous website, despite my intentions of creating a better future for both of us.

During that time, I righteously thought that I was actively striving to quit pornography, not only for my own personal growth but mainly for them. They should wholeheartedly support me in this endeavour.

Needless to say, It had caused a lot of conflicts and resentments between us.

Intrinsic reasons, rooted within our core values and personal growth, provide a more potent and enduring source of motivation.

Instead of relying solely on external validation, tapping into the deeper reasons that fuel our desire to quit pornography can help us weather the storms and challenges that arise along the way.

Take a moment to delve deep within yourself and uncover the intrinsic motivations that will empower you on this journey. Focus on personal growth, self-improvement, and aligning your actions with the person you aspire to be.

5) It Does No Harm! (Or So We Thought)

Many people believe that as long as they can maintain a semblance of balance in their lives while consuming pornography (albeit with a certain amount of covertliness), no significant damage is being done.

It appears harmless, almost like a fleeting pleasure with no immediate consequences. However, the true impact lies hidden beneath the surface, gradually shaping and molding our minds over time, often without us even realizing it until it's too late.

The changes that occur within us due to pornography are like the slow erosion of a mighty mountain, subtly reshaping its form until it crumbles away. Our minds, too, undergo a transformation that unfolds gradually, weaving its way into the fabric of our thoughts and behaviors.

In the short term, the effects may seem negligible, hardly noticeable amidst the busyness of everyday life. It's easy to dismiss any concerns or downplay the influence of pornography as we navigate the present.

After all, life seems to continue without any major disruptions or upheavals.

But here's the thing: the true impact of pornography lies in its long-term effects, often hidden from our immediate awareness. It's like a silent infiltrator, seeping into the depths of our psyche, subtly altering our perspectives, attitudes, and relationships.

By the time we realize the extent of its influence, it can be challenging to reverse the course and reclaim the parts of ourselves that have been subtly changed.

That's why it's essential to approach our relationship with pornography with caution and awareness. Acknowledging the potential long-term consequences allows us to take proactive steps towards creating a healthier and more fulfilling life.

By recognizing the subtle shifts that occur within us over time, we can make conscious choices to safeguard our well-being and protect the core values that define who we are.

6) Lack Accountability

7) Victory Not Celebrated (Plus Lots Of Stigma)

pen on paper
pen on paper

It's unfortunate that society often fails to acknowledge the magnitude of such an accomplishment.

While overcoming addictions like drugs, gambling, or alcohol is recognized and celebrated, the journey of quitting pornography often goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

Instead of receiving congratulations and support, those who strive to quit may find themselves facing societal stigma and a lack of understanding.

In today's society, pornography has become pervasive, normalized, and even celebrated in certain contexts. This prevailing attitude can create a challenging social environment for those seeking to break free from its grip.

It's disheartening when people fail to recognize the power and impact that pornography addiction can have on individuals' lives. Instead of offering empathy and encouragement, they may resort to belittling remarks, dismissing the seriousness of the struggle.

The lack of awareness about one's own addiction further compounds the issue. Many individuals may not even realize that they, too, are trapped in the web of pornography's influence.

This lack of self-awareness can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding for those who are actively trying to break free.

As someone on the path to recovery, it can be discouraging to face such negative reactions.

It may feel like a big fuss is being made over a seemingly small issue that "everyone does." People may question your motivations, labeling your efforts as attention-seeking or eccentric behavior.

But remember, my friend, that your decision to quit pornography is a testament to your strength, self-awareness, and commitment to personal growth.

While the world may not celebrate your victories, it's essential to find solace and validation within yourself.

Focus on your own progress and the positive changes you're experiencing in your life.

Ultimately, this journey is about your own well-being, happiness, and reclaiming control over your life.

Stay resilient, persevere in the face of societal stigma, and celebrate your victories, no matter how small.

When it comes to overcoming pornography addiction, maintaining accountability becomes a crucial factor in our success.

The absence of visible signs or concrete evidence of our progress makes it easy to deceive ourselves and others about our commitment to NoFap.

After all, pornography can be accessed discreetly, anywhere and anytime, making it difficult for external observers to track our actions.

Finding reliable accountability partners can be a daunting task.

Sharing the struggle of a porn addiction with loved ones may create concern for your mental well-being and the safety of those around you, particularly children.

Friends may not understand the gravity of the situation or may dismiss it as an inconsequential matter, belittling your sincere efforts. It can leave you feeling isolated and lacking the support necessary to navigate this challenging path.

In the absence of external accountability, personal honesty becomes paramount. It's essential to cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness and integrity. Being honest with yourself about your progress and setbacks is vital in maintaining personal accountability.

One approach to track your journey is to use tools such as an Excel spreadsheet which can help you log and monitor your progress with PMO.

Do remember that you are not alone in this struggle. By seeking out understanding individuals and resources, you can find the support you need to navigate the complexities of quitting pornography.

8) What Is The Benefit Anyway?

Ah, the enigmatic nature of determining the direct benefits of quitting pornography.

When one commits to quitting pornography, it often leads to a ripple effect of positive changes in various aspects of life.

To overcome the urges and redirect one's focus, individuals frequently incorporate a range of life-changing habits into their routine.

For example, to combat my PMO urges, I have implemented various strategies aimed at strengthening my self-control and overall well-being. These practices include:

1. Intermittent fasting: By reducing food coma and improving blood sugar regulation, intermittent fasting helps me maintain mental clarity and diminishes the likelihood of succumbing to impulsive behaviors.

2. Meditation: Engaging in regular meditation sessions has proven invaluable in enhancing my ability to control and manage impulses. It provides me with a greater sense of self-awareness and equips me with the necessary tools to redirect my focus away from destructive habits.

3. Journaling: Through the act of journaling, I gain a deeper understanding of my thoughts, motives, and triggers. This self-reflection process aids in identifying patterns, enabling me to develop effective coping mechanisms and alternative strategies for handling challenging situations.

4. Regular exercise: By incorporating exercise into my routine, I not only foster optimal dopamine production for improved motivation sustainability but also promote overall physical health. Regular physical activity helps reduce stress and provides an outlet for releasing tension and energy in a positive way.

5. Better eating habits: Adopting healthier eating habits allows me to minimize negative emotions and avoid the temporary rush and crashes that comes with consuming sugary foods. By prioritizing nutritious meals, I support my overall well-being and maintain a more balanced emotional state.

6. Engaging in meaningful activities: I actively seek out fulfilling endeavors, such as building a website for self-expression and forming meaningful relationships with people I care about. By investing my time and energy into meaningful pursuits, I redirect my focus away from destructive habits and cultivate a sense of purpose.

7. Learning a new instrument or skill: Learning to play the piano not only serves as a productive and enjoyable hobby but also aids in rewiring my brain circuits. Engaging in a mentally stimulating activity like playing an instrument helps me channel my energy into a positive outlet and keeps my hands occupied.

These habits have the potential to bring about significant transformations individually. As such, it's natural to question the significance of quitting PMO on its own, as it may seem like just one piece of the puzzle.

However, the true beauty lies in recognizing the interconnectedness of these habits and the powerful synergy they create when practiced together. The cumulative effect of implementing multiple positive habits can lead to a transformative and fulfilling life.

By embracing these habits, you are not only curbing the urges associated with pornography but also nurturing a holistic approach to self-care and self-development.

Instead of focusing solely on isolating the benefits of quitting pornography, let’s celebrate the broader positive changes you're experiencing.

Embrace the interconnected nature of these habits and the transformative impact they collectively bring to your life.

Recognize that it is the combination of these practices that creates a profound and lasting impact on your well-being.

9) Unrealistic Expectations

The world of pornography often presents a distorted and falsified version of sex, relationships, and body image.

Over time, exposure to pornography can shape one's perception of what constitutes beauty and desirability.

The exaggerated figures and submissive behaviors depicted in pornographic scenarios (human or hentai) can create unrealistic standards that are unattainable in real life.

This can lead to a skewed perception of what is considered attractive or satisfying, making it difficult to appreciate the natural beauty and complexities of real-life relationships.

It's important to recognize that the world depicted in pornography is a fantasy, carefully constructed for entertainment purposes. Real-life relationships are far more nuanced, diverse, and multifaceted.

They involve emotional connections, communication, and mutual respect, which extend far beyond the realms of physical intimacy.

By acknowledging the unrealistic expectations set by pornography, one can begin to reclaim a more realistic and fulfilling perspective on relationships and human connection.

Experiencing long-term abstinence from PMO has significantly enhanced my spousal relationship and brought forth a newfound appreciation for the depth and beauty of our intimate connection.

During these periods, I have noticed a profound shift in my perspective, allowing me to care less about superficial appearances and instead embrace the true essence of my partner.

The absence of pornography has liberated me from the subconscious habit of comparing my spouse to unrealistic and scripted sexual scenarios portrayed in adult content.

I have come to cherish my partner for who she truly is, appreciating her unique qualities, both physical and emotional, without any distortions caused by external influences.

Intimate moments shared between us have become more meaningful and fulfilling. With the absence of preconceived expectations shaped by pornographic narratives, our love-making has transformed into a genuine expression of love, trust, and connection.

I am able to fully immerse myself in the present moment, savoring the authentic passion and pleasure that comes from a deep bond with my partner.

Furthermore, without the pervasive influence of pornography, I have grown to appreciate and admire my partner's womanly charms in a more authentic and sincere way. I can celebrate her beauty without the filter of unrealistic standards and expectations set by the adult industry.

Remember, my friend, that real-life beauty lies in the imperfections, vulnerabilities, and genuine connections that are forged through meaningful relationships.

Let go of the distorted ideals perpetuated by pornography and embrace the richness and depth that come with authentic human interactions.

10) Unmet Satisfaction

Excessive exposure to pornography can lead to what is commonly known as the "Death grip" phenomenon.

This refers to a desensitization of the senses due to intense and repetitive manual stimulation, ultimately affecting one's ability to derive pleasure from real-life experiences.

The artificial tightness and specific sensations experienced during pornography use may become ingrained in our minds, making it challenging to fully appreciate and enjoy the subtleties and uniqueness of real-life encounters.

It's important to understand that real-life experiences offer a rich tapestry of sensations, emotions, and connections that extend beyond the physical act itself.

By overcoming the reliance on intense manual stimulation and broadening our understanding of pleasure, we can open ourselves up to a world of diverse and fulfilling experiences.

In order to rekindle and fully appreciate the richness of real-life sensations, it will be helpful to take a break from pornography and allow your mind and body to recalibrate.

This process, often referred to as a "reboot," allows the brain to recover from the desensitization caused by excessive pornography use, enabling a rediscovery of the full range of physical and emotional pleasures that genuine human connections can offer.

By embracing a more balanced and varied approach to sexual experiences, you can retrain your mind and body to find satisfaction in the subtleties, intimacy, and genuine connections that real-life encounters bring.

I tell you for sure, loving making after abstinence, is mind blowing.

11) Default Coping Mechanism

Coping mechanisms play a significant role in the perpetuation of pornography use.

Many individuals turn to pornography as a way to cope with the various challenges life presents, such as stress, boredom, loneliness, or a sense of meaninglessness.

Breaking free from this behavior can be difficult, as it often serves as an effortless distraction, providing a sense of hyper-focus and escape from reality.

I enjoyed engaging in pornography as it helps me to create a state of "flow," where the mind becomes absorbed in the pursuit of finding the perfect shot or experiencing the bliss of orgasm. This can temporarily alleviate stress and provide a sense of relaxation and pseudo meaning in life.

The temporary relief it provides can make it difficult to give up, especially if there are limited alternative methods for relaxation or stress management in place.

In my case previously, I didn’t do sports or had any hobbies. So, my pastime has been limited to video gaming and pornography, both of which are closely intertwined.

The gaming world is rife with unlimited triggers, and some of the most popular games even have their own pornographic mods (take Skyrim for example).

Additionally, pornography may serve as a sedative, aiding in sleep for those struggling with insomnia or restlessness. While I do not have insomnia, I did experience knocking out immediately after a PMO session.

Quitting pornography involves not only addressing the habit itself but also exploring alternative, healthier coping mechanisms to address the underlying issues driving the reliance on pornography.

This can be a complex process that requires introspection, self-reflection, and a willingness to explore new avenues for self-care and fulfillment.

Finding alternative coping mechanisms may involve discovering hobbies or activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose to your life.

As I mentioned before, I busied myself with going out more often to make connections with my loved ones, paying more attention to my wife and children, writing articles and learning piano.

It may require patience, self-compassion, and a commitment to personal growth, but the rewards are immeasurable.

12) Relapse, Shame And Setbacks

woman in black and white floral shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden bench
woman in black and white floral shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on brown wooden bench

Setbacks are common experiences on the journey to quitting pornography, mirroring the challenges faced in overcoming any addiction.

Especially in the case of pornography addiction, these obstacles often evoke intense feelings of guilt, shame, and discouragement, exacerbated by the tendency for society to downplay the difficulty of the process.

These factors make it increasingly difficult to maintain long-term abstinence.

It is alarmingly easy to relapse during NoFap.

Without the need of substance or financial costs—only an internet connection and a smartphone that has become an extension of ourselves, the temptation is always at our fingertips.

All it takes is a fleeting moment of weakness, and before we know it, we find ourselves jerking our nuts off. Leaving us feeling frustrated and defeated once we become aware of what we have done.

I can personally relate to this, as I have experienced the allure of edging, eventual relapse, and the subsequent descent into depression that led me to abandon my commitment to quitting porn entirely five years ago.

It's understandable that you may have experienced such moments in the past, but it's crucial to remember that setbacks are not permanent failures.

Unfortunately, in certain online communities, there can be an excessive focus on streaks and boasting about the number of days without pornography.

This mentality can create an unhealthy environment where one's worth and effort are solely determined by the duration of their streak. This mindset is demoralizing and can poison the journey towards recovery.

It's important to shift the focus from the number of days without relapse to the overall progress and growth you are making in your personal journey. Recognize that quitting pornography is not a linear path, but rather a process of self-discovery and self-improvement.

If you do experience a relapse, it's essential to practice self-compassion, learn from the experience, and use it as an opportunity for growth.

Remember, my friend, that the true measure of success lies not solely in the number of days without relapse, but in your ability to pick yourself up after setbacks and continue on the path towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Each day is an opportunity for renewal and progress.

Be kind to yourself, celebrate the small victories, and embrace the journey with resilience and determination.

“It's not about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.” ― Rocky balboa Sylvester Stallone


In the end, quitting porn is a personal journey that involves self discovery, making small steps, bouncing back from setbacks, lots of reflection, compassion to self and ultimately self acceptance and embracing the journey as a lifelong endeavor.

In my previous attempt to quit pornography, I found myself fixated on counting the number of days I managed to abstain from PMO.

I approached it with a mentality similar to running a marathon, constantly wondering how much further I had to go before reaching my desired goal.

However, this approach failed to align with the nature of quitting porn, which is not a task with a specific deadline but rather a significant lifestyle change.

Viewing the process of quitting porn as a mere countdown can lead to limitations and a sense of failure. It places unnecessary pressure on oneself to achieve a certain number of days and can result in a mindset that views any relapse or setback as a complete failure.

Quitting pornography is not a linear journey with a finite endpoint. It is a continuous commitment to making healthier choices, cultivating new habits, and fostering personal growth. It requires a shift in mindset towards embracing a new lifestyle that prioritizes mental and emotional well-being.

Instead of fixating on reaching a particular milestone, it is more beneficial to focus on the progress made and the positive changes experienced along the way. Each day presents an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and learning from any setbacks that may occur.

By adopting a mindset of long-term, sustainable change rather than a race against the clock, we allow ourselves the freedom to navigate the journey of quitting porn at our own pace.

This approach fosters a healthier relationship with ourselves and the process, increasing the likelihood of success and creating lasting transformation.

Don’t count the days, make the days count.

With love.