Day 11 Of Value Creation

Experience so far.


4/27/20232 min read

white flowers on book
white flowers on book

In this article, I am going to share my value creation progress so far since I created this website.

Value Creation

It's been a productive week.

I've been able to average one article per day, which is pretty good considering I only have 3-4 hours a day to write.

ChatGPT has really helped me out a lot. I ask for an outline of a topic and then input the rest. It's saved me a lot of time. I had tried writing before, and it would take me a few days to get one article out.

So, thank you ChatGPT!

I've also experienced some interesting changes. Rou is inspired to do her own website. She's been wanting to do this for a while, but she's always been too busy. But now, she's seeing how much I'm able to accomplish with just a few hours a day, and she's motivated to start her own project.

We are planning to start recording YouTube videos during this weekend while the girls are sleeping. So exciting for the new endeavor.

Over my research on the successful YouTubers, ones that I like are those that are authentic. Authentic means sharing stories that are really your own, from friends or from true research. They also create contents that are well researched and easy to understand and provide tons of value.

They will be our role models for making videos of great values.

Personal Growth

I've also been able to operate on much less sleep. I've been working late into the night lately, plus the little ones have been coughing at night. I'm a very light sleeper, so I've been kept awake by Lele for the past few days. But even with so little sleep, I'm still functional, energetic, and in a good mood. I'm still motivated to write every day.

It may be that I'm reducing my dopamine influx. I'm on my 13th day of no porn, and I think it's making a difference. I'm not as tired as I used to be, and I'm not as easily distracted. Maybe the whole nofap notion has something going on! I'm going to continue my 30 days challenge and see.

There are still signs of addiction such as urges to surf for it or sudden recollection of previous porn sessions. Internet and YouTube aren't helping much either as both are of full of clickbait featuring women in skimpy attires.

Luckily, I am not on Instagrams and Tik Toks. From what I heard; it can be worse.

For the past two weeks, I avoid bringing my phone into the toilet and had installed block apps in my smartphone. I also work in the living room to prevent myself from getting too much privacy. So far so good.

If I have urges, I just do push up till I get tired. So, win-win. Kick the thoughts aside while building solid chest muscles.

Let's get it going.

I also came to realization that time is our most valuable resource. Everyone has the same number of hours and they are not replaceable. We have to prioritize how we use our time. It has to align to what we want. If it doesn't build any of these family (relationship), fitness and freedom, it should be reduced to minimum.

So, that's what's been going on with me. I'm still on my journey, but I'm making progress. I'm learning more about myself and what I want to do with my life. And I'm grateful for the support of my family and friends.

Thanks for reading!