Why Running Rocks!

A personal reflection from running daily for 30+ days.


7/10/202321 min read

man running on road near grass field
man running on road near grass field

Ever since I injured my hand, engaging in any form of exercise became a challenge, except for running. It became my daily ritual upon returning from my cruise trip, and I've discovered a newfound appreciation for this activity.

Initially, I held reservations about running. Like many others, I believed that running could be harmful to our knees and cause long-term damage.

Numerous fitness gurus often dismiss running as an ineffective way to lose weight or improve cardiovascular health.

Conflicting claims arise, such as whether running barefoot is superior to wearing specific shoes like vibrant five or expensive sport shoes designed to enhance performance.

Furthermore, the optimal running technique becomes a topic of debate.

Some argue that circuit training and sprinting offer more benefits for the knees and overall health compared to traditional jogging. Others advocate for different running zones (zone 2 or zone 4), emphasizing the importance of specific effort levels for varying advantages.

Navigating through this overwhelming information can be confusing, even more so than mastering a kettlebell workout or figuring out a gym routine.

As I ventured into different running styles (especially sprinting), I often found myself nursing injuries, experiencing pain in my knees or the balls of my feet. It left a bitter taste in my mouth, further fueling my doubts.

Let's not forget the plethora of recommendations, such as wearing knee guards, ankle guards, and various other protective gear. It feels as though running might gradually wear down our bodies, leaving us vulnerable to injuries.

Additionally, stories circulate about individuals collapsing during runs or marathon athletes tragically succumbing to heart attacks. Such reports only add to the apprehension surrounding running.

Nevertheless, with limited options due to my injured hand, I decided to give running a try, despite the discomfort in my left waist.

To my surprise, I fell in love with it! On top of it, even though it wasn’t my aim, I lost three kgs in the span of 1 month.

In this article, I will share with you why I love running, why you should run too, the benefits and how you can start running and tips to do it consistently.

Benefits Of Running

There are many benefits of running. Here I will only write about what works for me.

The Power of "Me Time" for Stay-at-Home Dads

Being a stay-at-home dad is a rewarding and fulfilling role that revolves around caring for your family.

However, it's essential to recognize the importance of personal time amidst the constant demands and responsibilities.

It's crucial to acknowledge that dedicating time for self-care and personal growth is not selfish but necessary for our overall well-being.

For me, running has become an invaluable means of carving out dedicated "me time" where I can focus on myself, free from thoughts about my family.

Discovering Running as "Me Time":

Running has become my sanctuary, providing a short yet invaluable escape from the constant demands of family life.

It grants me the opportunity to disconnect from my responsibilities temporarily and reconnect with myself.

The rhythmic motion of running allows my mind to settle, facilitating clarity of thought and enabling me to think more deeply about my own aspirations and goals.

Benefits of Running for Mental Clarity:

Engaging in regular physical exercise, like running, has been scientifically proven to have positive effects on mental health.

The endorphins released during exercise contribute to improved mood, reduced stress levels, and increased mental clarity.

Through running, I have found that my mind becomes sharper, and I can better process my thoughts and emotions, leading to enhanced problem-solving abilities and a more balanced mindset.

Running Towards Self-Discovery
man standing on mountain
man standing on mountain

Introspection, the act of looking inward and examining our thoughts and emotions, is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness.

Time For Introspection:

Running provides a unique space for introspection, allowing us to allocate dedicated time for self-reflection.

Amidst the solitude and rhythm of our footsteps, we are afforded an opportunity to disconnect from external distractions and truly focus on our inner selves.

By intentionally creating this mental space, we can explore the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Running Without Music:

While music can be an enjoyable companion during runs, opting to run without it can enhance the introspective experience. Silence or the ambient sounds of nature create a conducive environment for deep self-reflection.

Without external distractions, we can attune our attention to our own internal dialogue, enabling a greater understanding of ourselves.

Realizations and Self-Discovery:

During my music-free runs, I have had some of my most profound realizations.

The absence of external stimuli allows my mind to wander freely, enabling me to delve into the layers of my being and uncover the underlying motivations behind my thoughts, behaviors, and reactions.

This self-awareness empowers me to make conscious choices and work towards personal growth.

Emotional Processing:

Running can be an excellent catalyst for emotional processing.

As we engage in this physical activity, our bodies release endorphins, promoting a positive mood and reducing stress. Harnessing this mental and emotional state, we can delve into deeper emotional realms, examining the root causes of certain reactions or patterns.

Running provides a safe and supportive space to address and process these emotions, leading to greater emotional well-being. I always feel much better after a run.

Unleashing the Power of Optimal Inactivity

In our fast-paced, hyperconnected world, boredom is often seen as something to be avoided at all costs.

We fill every spare moment with social media, internet browsing, and video games, never allowing ourselves to truly experience boredom. However, boredom can be an incredible tool if we learn how to optimize it.

Redefining Boredom:

Boredom is not a negative state to be feared; it is an opportunity for our minds to wander, explore, and tap into our creativity. By reframing our perspective, we can recognize boredom as a valuable and necessary part of our lives.

Heightened Creativity:

When we allow ourselves to experience boredom, our brains seek stimulation and engage in more imaginative thinking. By embracing moments of inactivity, we create space for new ideas to flourish, problem-solving abilities to sharpen, and innovative thinking to emerge.

Boredom becomes a breeding ground for creativity and can lead to breakthroughs in various aspects of our lives.

Managing Cravings and Addiction:

Boredom, when understood and enjoyed, can be a powerful tool in managing cravings and overcoming addiction. Many addictive behaviors stem from a desire to avoid facing problems, stress, or even boredom itself.

By cultivating a healthy relationship with boredom, we develop resilience and the ability to face these underlying issues head-on. Boredom becomes an opportunity to address the root causes of addiction and find healthier coping mechanisms.

Embracing Mindful Rest:

Boredom provides an invitation to engage in mindful rest, where we allow ourselves to simply be in the present moment without seeking external stimulation.

By fully experiencing boredom and embracing the quietude it brings, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace, self-reflection, and recharge our mental and emotional batteries.

Embracing Simplicity
white desk lamp beside green plant
white desk lamp beside green plant

In a world filled with complex activities and demanding skills, running stands out as a refreshingly simple yet rewarding endeavor. Regardless of your fitness level or experience, running offers an accessible and inclusive platform for physical activity.

Approachable for All:

One of the remarkable aspects of running is its inclusivity.

You don't need specific skills or specialized training to start running. Unlike certain sports or activities that require intricate techniques or extensive coaching, running is a natural and instinctive motion that we learn from an early age.

It doesn’t matter how much you earn or who old you are, it allows people from all walks of life to participate without the barriers of expertise or formal training.

No Need for Optimization:

While some endeavors require meticulous optimization and constant monitoring, running is refreshingly different.

Unless you are a professional runner with specific performance goals, running rarely demands intricate optimization or obsessing over every detail. You can simply lace up your shoes, hit the road or trail, and enjoy the experience.

The beauty of running lies in its simplicity and the freedom it offers.

Progress Through Consistency:

Running is an activity that rewards consistency.

By engaging in regular runs, regardless of pace or distance, you will gradually improve and become better at running. The key lies in establishing a routine and embracing the process. With each run, you build endurance, strengthen muscles, and develop a more efficient stride.

The journey of improvement happens naturally through the act of consistently moving your legs.

Embracing the Joy of Running:

Above all, running is about finding joy in the movement itself.

It's an opportunity to connect with your body, breathe in the fresh air, and immerse yourself in the rhythm of your strides. Unlike many other physical activities that may feel like a chore or obligation, running offers a liberating and invigorating experience.

Embrace the freedom it brings and find pleasure in the simplicity of putting one foot in front of the other.

It's Free!

Unlike many other forms of exercise, running requires minimal investment in specialized equipment or expensive memberships.

Minimal Equipment, Maximum Benefits:

When it comes to running, you don't need to spend a fortune on purpose-built equipment.

A basic pair of shoes that you already own and comfortable clothes are sufficient to get started.

Unlike sports that require specialized gear or specific clothing, running allows you to utilize what you already have, making it accessible to individuals of all backgrounds.

No Costly Memberships or Course Fees:

Unlike gym memberships or specialized fitness classes like CrossFit, running doesn't require you to pay for expensive memberships or course fees.

It's a form of exercise that can be enjoyed freely and independently.

You have the freedom to choose your own route, pace, and duration, allowing for a personalized and budget-friendly fitness experience.

Embracing the Minimalist Approach:

Running encourages a minimalist approach to exercise.

Rather than relying on fancy gadgets or additional gear, running focuses on the simplicity of putting one foot in front of the other.

It's a back-to-basics form of physical activity that allows you to reconnect with your body and the natural environment around you, free from the distractions of excessive gear.

Running and Podcasts for Learning and Focus
woman running wearing armband
woman running wearing armband

Running provides an ideal opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, and one such activity is listening to podcasts. While some (like me now) may prefer the solitude of running without any audio distractions, combining running with podcasts can offer a unique and enriching experience. It's like listening to podcast while driving but with way less distractions.

Uninterrupted Focus:

When we run, our attention is naturally drawn to the act of movement itself.

This focused state of mind allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the content of a podcast without the usual distractions of our daily lives.

As we move our bodies, we create a conducive environment for concentrated listening, where our minds can absorb information more effectively.

Learning on the Move:

Running provides an optimal setting for learning.

The combination of physical activity and mental stimulation enhances cognitive function, making it easier for us to retain information and deepen our understanding.

By listening to podcasts while running, we create a harmonious synergy between the physical and intellectual realms, allowing for more efficient learning and knowledge acquisition.

Utilizing Idle Time:

Running often involves stretches of time where our bodies are in motion, but our minds are free from mental or intellectual demands.

Instead of allowing these idle periods to go to waste, listening to podcasts provides a valuable opportunity to make productive use of that time.

Whether it's exploring educational content, motivational talks, or storytelling, podcasts can transform otherwise mundane moments into valuable and enriching experiences.

Enhanced Enjoyment and Engagement:

For many, listening to podcasts while running adds an extra layer of enjoyment and engagement to the activity.

The captivating narratives, thought-provoking discussions, or inspiring interviews can serve as a source of motivation and entertainment during the run.

It can transform your workout into an immersive experience, making the miles fly by while expanding your knowledge and understanding.

A Safe and Injury-Resistant Fitness Choice

When it comes to choosing a form of exercise, safety is a top priority. Running, as a low-impact activity, offers a safe and injury-resistant option that is accessible to individuals of various fitness levels.

Low Risk of Injury:

Running, when approached with proper form and gradual progression, poses a relatively low risk of injury compared to other forms of exercise.

Unlike gym workouts that require precise posture, lifting techniques, and load management, running relies on natural movement patterns that our bodies are designed for.

This simplicity minimizes the potential for acute injuries caused by incorrect form or excessive strain.

Less Strain on Joints and Muscles:

Running is a weight-bearing activity that places less strain on joints and muscles compared to high-impact exercises or heavy resistance training.

The repetitive impact of each step is absorbed by our musculoskeletal system, gradually strengthening bones, ligaments, and tendons.

By maintaining a reasonable pace and gradually increasing intensity, we can further reduce the risk of overuse injuries commonly associated with high-intensity workouts.

Personalized Progression:

Running offers the flexibility for personalized progression based on individual fitness levels and goals.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, you have the freedom to gradually increase distance, pace, or elevation according to your comfort and abilities.

This adaptable nature of running allows for a safer and more manageable fitness journey that minimizes the risk of overexertion and injury.

Injury Prevention through Consistency:

Running regularly contributes to improved musculoskeletal health and injury prevention.

By engaging in consistent running sessions, you strengthen the muscles supporting your joints, improve bone density, and enhance overall stability.

The repetitive nature of running also helps reinforce proper movement patterns, reducing the likelihood of injuries associated with poor form or muscular imbalances.

Embracing Sunlight and Nature for Enhanced Well-being
green trees and brown dried leaves during daytime
green trees and brown dried leaves during daytime

Running provides an excellent opportunity to combine the physical benefits of exercise with the rejuvenating power of sunlight and nature.

Nature's Rejuvenation:

Spending time in nature provides a natural remedy for stress and mental fatigue.

The sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world have a calming effect on our senses, helping us disconnect from the pressures of daily life.

Nature acts as a soothing balm, offering a respite from the constant stimulation of our digital environments and allowing us to recharge and rejuvenate. Instead of confining our workouts to indoor spaces, we have the privilege of experiencing the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world.

Whether it's a serene park, a scenic trail, or a coastal path, running in nature enhances our connection with the environment, elevating the overall running experience.

Sunlight and Vitamin D:

Sunlight plays a vital role in our overall health, specifically in the production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is a prevalent issue, with a significant portion of the population lacking sufficient levels.

Exposure to sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D in our bodies, supporting healthy bone development, immune function, and overall well-being. Regular running outdoors allows us to naturally replenish our vitamin D levels, reducing the risk of deficiency.

Mental Health Benefits And Mental Clarity:

Running in natural surroundings offers a respite from the stresses of daily life.

The calming presence of nature, coupled with the physical exertion of running, helps to reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and enhance mental clarity.

The combination of rhythmic movement, fresh air, and natural scenery creates a harmonious environment that supports mindfulness, allowing us to focus on the present moment and experience a greater sense of inner peace.

In addition, sunlight exposure triggers the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known for its mood-lifting properties. Increased serotonin levels contribute to improved mood, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, and an overall sense of well-being.

The Joy of Exploration:

Running in natural environments opens up a world of exploration and discovery.

It provides an opportunity to escape the monotony of urban settings and venture into green spaces, forests, or along picturesque coastlines.

As runners, we can relish in the joy of exploring new trails, observing wildlife, and connecting with the elements. Each run becomes an adventure that invigorates the senses and reignites our appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

Igniting Energy and Momentum

Running has a remarkable ability to invigorate and energize both the body and mind. Unlike intense workout programs that usually leave me feeling fatigued and sore, running provides a rejuvenating boost that leaves me refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

The Refreshing Power of Running:

After a run, you experience a sense of refreshment that permeates both your body and mind.

The rhythmic movement, increased circulation, and release of endorphins during running contribute to an uplifting sensation that revitalizes your entire being.

The natural high of a runner's high leaves you feeling invigorated, rejuvenated, and ready to take on new challenges.

Momentum for the Next Task:

Running creates a positive momentum that carries over to other areas of your life.

When you complete a run, the sense of accomplishment and the boost in energy propel you forward, making it easier to transition into the next task on your list.

Whether it's work, chores, or personal goals, the momentum created through running empowers you to approach tasks with increased focus and enthusiasm.

I always feel motivated to continue on the next task on my list after my run. Therefore, I often get some of my writing done in the earlier part of the day which makes me feel even better.

Sustainable Energy vs. Post-Workout Fatigue:

Unlike intense workout programs (sprinting intervals, CrossFit or Insanity workout) that may leave me feeling exhausted and sore, running provides sustainable energy that lasts throughout the day.

The moderate intensity of running promotes cardiovascular fitness, increases stamina, and improves overall endurance.

This sustainable energy translates into enhanced productivity, mental clarity, and the ability to maintain an active lifestyle without excessive fatigue.

Mind-Body Connection:

Running engages both the body and mind in a harmonious union. The focus required during a run helps clear mental clutter and promotes mindfulness.

By connecting with your body's movements and the environment around you, you tap into a deeper sense of self-awareness and attunement.

This mind-body connection enhances your energy levels, creating a holistic experience that leaves you feeling energized and centered.

Embracing the Beauty of Punggol's Ecosystem
brown seal on gray rock during daytime
brown seal on gray rock during daytime

Within the confines of our everyday lives, it's easy to overlook the wonders of the natural world right outside our doorstep. Punggol offers a thriving ecosystem that presents unique opportunities to witness extraordinary sights.

A Bountiful Ecosystem:

Punggol boasts a rich and diverse ecosystem that allows for captivating wildlife encounters.

By venturing beyond the confines of our homes and embracing an active lifestyle, we open ourselves up to remarkable experiences that can transform our perception of the natural world.

From the smallest insects to the largest birds, Punggol's ecosystem is teeming with life waiting to be discovered.

Fascinating Animal Interactions:

Being immersed in nature provides the chance to witness captivating animal interactions up close.

The joy of observing otters playfully running beside you offers a glimpse into their social dynamics and communication skills. Hearing their calls while being cut off from the group and witnessing their actions reveals how they share similarities with human beings.

Encounters with water hens which got startled and went hysterical because they didn't notice you getting close as they were to engaged in their animated conversations. Or catching a glimpse of wild boars, monkeys, bats, monitor lizards, kingfishers, and eagles all contribute to an awe-inspiring tapestry of natural wonder.

The Thrill of Discovery:

Exploring Punggol's ecosystem ignites a sense of excitement and discovery.

Every step taken along its trails and waterways presents an opportunity to witness something extraordinary.

As you approach gently and respectfully, the veil of nature's secrets is lifted, revealing hidden wonders that would remain unseen within the confines of a sedentary lifestyle. The thrill of unexpected encounters and the joy of connecting with the natural world will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Cultivating Appreciation and Conservation:

Experiencing the amazing wildlife in Punggol instills a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of our ecosystem.

Witnessing the diverse species that call this place home fosters a sense of responsibility to protect and preserve their habitats.

By actively engaging with nature, we become ambassadors for conservation, spreading awareness and ensuring the preservation of these incredible treasures for generations to come.

How To Start Running And Make It Stick

Ah so you are motivated to run now, but how do you start?

When is the right time to start running? Also a common problem with any new habit is sustainability. How can you make sure that you will enjoy running for a lifetime? Here are some tips to get started and make it a lifetime habit.

Just Start Running

When we visited ION during my brother's stay, he expressed his desire to start running again. However, he believed that he needed to find the perfect running shoe first.

This scenario is relatable to many of us who often postpone our aspirations due to external factors, waiting for everything to align perfectly.

But the truth is, there's never a "perfect" moment. Waiting for all the conditions to be ideal is just an illusion that prevents us from moving forward. Instead of succumbing to these barriers, we must challenge them.

One common barrier is the idea of losing weight before starting to run. However, the key is to take action despite any insecurities. Start with a walk if you feel hesitant about running.

Take that first step, and you'll find that progress is possible regardless of your initial limitations. Remember, the only way to start is now.

Excuses often hold us back from pursuing our passions. We might tell ourselves that we don't have the right equipment or resources. However, it's crucial to understand that progress can be made with what we have.

If you don't have suitable running shoes, go for a barefoot run. Embrace the simplicity and embrace the opportunity to challenge yourself and step outside your comfort zone.

Perfectionism can be paralyzing. We often convince ourselves that we need to be experts or masters before we can begin. However, true growth and improvement come from taking imperfect action.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes or start at a beginner's level. Embrace the learning process and allow yourself to grow along the way.

The most important lesson to remember is that the only time we have is now. The future is uncertain, and waiting for the "right" moment may cause us to miss out on incredible opportunities.

By starting now, we begin to build momentum, and each step forward brings us closer to our goals.

Consistency Over Intensity

When it comes to running, one of the most important principles to embrace is consistency over intensity.

Many individuals make the mistake of starting their running journey with great enthusiasm and pushing themselves to the limit right from the start.

While it's admirable to have high motivation, this approach can often lead to burnout, injuries, and a lack of long-term sustainability. Instead, focusing on consistency and gradually increasing your endurance and fitness level over time is key to building a sustainable running routine.

One of the best ways to begin is by starting with small increments. It's important not to feel pressured to run long distances right from the start. Begin by running for a manageable amount of time, such as 10 minutes, and if running feels too challenging at first, start with a brisk walk.

By starting small and building a solid foundation, you allow your body to adapt and adjust to the demands of running, reducing the risk of injury and setting a sustainable pace for progress.

Establishing a realistic schedule is another crucial aspect of maintaining consistency. It's important to set a running schedule that works for you and aligns with your lifestyle and commitments.

Whether it's running three times a week or every other day, finding a routine that you can stick to is key. Consistency is more important than the frequency or intensity of your runs. By sticking to a regular schedule, you develop a habit and make running a natural part of your life.

It's also important to avoid excessive soreness.

While it's normal to experience some muscle soreness when starting or increasing your running routine, pushing yourself to extremes can lead to excessive soreness that hinders your ability to maintain consistency. It's essential to listen to your body and give yourself time to recover.

Gradually increase your running distance and intensity, allowing your muscles and joints to adapt and grow stronger. Striking a balance between pushing yourself and allowing for proper rest will help prevent unnecessary soreness and keep you motivated.

One of the key mindsets to adopt is to focus on the long-term benefits rather than immediate results.

Running is not a quick fix; it is a journey. Embrace the process and enjoy the improvements you'll witness along the way.

Consistent running over time will improve your endurance, cardiovascular health, and overall fitness level. By keeping your eyes on the long-term goals and appreciating the small wins along the way, you will develop a positive mindset and maintain motivation throughout your running journey.

Don’t Set Arbitrary Goals

Setting arbitrary goals in running can hinder progress and detract from the true joy of the activity.

Instead of fixating on external markers such as weight loss or distance milestones, it is important to focus on the process and enjoyment of running itself.

By avoiding arbitrary goals, we can fully appreciate the holistic benefits of running and cultivate a sustainable and fulfilling running routine.

Arbitrary goals lack genuine purpose and often lead to frustration and disappointment. When we set goals solely based on external markers, we may lose sight of the intrinsic value of running.

Instead of deriving joy from the experience, we become fixated on achieving specific outcomes within a predetermined timeframe. This mindset can hinder progress and lead to a negative perspective on running.

Furthermore, goal-oriented running can come at a cost.

By obsessing over reaching arbitrary goals, we may overlook the true joy of running. It is important to consider the potential negative impacts, such as pushing ourselves too hard, risking injury or burnout, and neglecting other aspects of our well-being.

Maintaining a balanced approach that prioritizes the overall benefits of running is key.

Embracing the process of running allows us to fully appreciate the experience. Rather than being solely focused on external goals, we can focus on the present moment, the rhythm of our stride, and the connection with our bodies and surroundings.

By shifting our focus to the process, we can find true fulfillment in each run and experience the physical and mental well-being that running brings.

Instead of setting arbitrary goals, it is more beneficial to establish meaningful intentions for our running journey. These intentions can be rooted in personal growth, self-care, and the joy of movement.

By setting intentions such as improving stamina, practicing mindfulness during runs, or exploring new routes, we give ourselves a sense of purpose and flexibility.

This approach allows us to embrace the journey and find fulfillment in our progress, irrespective of specific targets.

More Tips On Getting Started

man tying his shoes
man tying his shoes

When it comes to starting a running routine, the first few steps can often be the most challenging. Finding the motivation to get out of the house and onto the road can feel like an uphill battle.

However, by focusing on the process and creating momentum, you can overcome those initial barriers and establish a sustainable running routine.

Here are some strategies to help you take those first steps and build momentum in your running journey:

Have your shoes ready at the door:

To make it easier for yourself to get started, keep your running shoes in a convenient and visible location, such as by the front door.

By having your shoes ready and easily accessible, you remove the potential obstacle of searching for them.

This small act eliminates one more excuse and sets you up for a smooth transition from the house to the road.

Don't worry about fancy exercise gear:

When it comes to running, you don't need to invest in expensive exercise gear or the latest trendy outfits. Instead, focus on simplicity and functionality.

Put on something comfortable and suitable for the weather conditions. Don't let the absence of specialized running clothes hold you back.

Remember, the most important thing is to get your shoes on and get moving.

Embrace the idea of starting with simplicity:

As you prepare to head out for a run, remind yourself that you don't need to make it overly complicated.

The goal is to get out of the house and start moving.

Instead of getting caught up in elaborate warm-up routines or worrying about performance, focus on the simple act of taking that first step. Starting with simplicity removes unnecessary pressure and allows you to ease into your running routine.

Take a moment to stretch and congratulate yourself:

Before you set off on your run, spend a few moments stretching and preparing your body.

Stretching helps warm up your muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injuries. It also serves as a reminder of how far you've come.

Take a moment to acknowledge your progress and congratulate yourself for taking the initiative to get out and start running. This positive reinforcement can provide a motivational boost as you begin your run.

Give yourself permission to turn back if needed:

There may be times when, despite your best intentions, you don't feel like running once you're out the door.

It's important to listen to your body and give yourself permission to adjust your plans accordingly. If you genuinely don't feel up to running, it's perfectly acceptable to turn back.

Remember, the goal is not to force yourself into a run every single time, but rather to cultivate a habit of getting out and moving. By granting yourself the flexibility to adapt to your needs, you maintain a positive mindset and increase the chances of long-term success.

Harness the power of momentum:

Once you're out and have started stretching, you'll often find that the initial resistance subsides, and the motivation to run starts to build.

This is where momentum comes into play. Harness this surge of energy and use it to propel yourself forward.

Remind yourself that the hardest part is already behind you, and the journey becomes easier with each step. Embrace the excitement and anticipation of the run, and allow the momentum to carry you forward.


Through my running journey, I've come to appreciate the positive impacts it has had on my overall well-being.

Running has not only helped me regain my fitness but also served as a means of stress relief and mental rejuvenation. It has become a meditative practice, allowing me to reconnect with nature and find solace in the rhythm of my footsteps.

While it's crucial to approach running with caution and listen to our bodies, it's equally important to understand that running, when done correctly and with proper care, can be a transformative experience.

With patience, gradual progress, and attention to proper form, we can minimize the risk of injuries and reap the countless benefits running offers.

So, whether you're a seasoned runner or someone contemplating taking up this activity, I encourage you to lace up your shoes, step outside, and embrace the journey of running.

You might be surprised by how it positively impacts your physical and mental well-being.

With love.