Sleeping At Fixed Time Daily

A Interesting Change After a PMO Session


7/22/202310 min read

animal on tree branch
animal on tree branch

On 18/07/2023, after maintaining a two-week streak of no-porn, I found myself engulfed in angst, disappointment, and self-doubt due to family quarrels.

Seeking an escape, I succumbed to PMO and stayed awake until 12:30 AM, deviating from my usual sleeping schedule of 10:30 to 11 PM.

This experience made me realize the significance of sleeping early, particularly when sharing this routine with my family.

Sleeping early together will help me avoid temptations that arise when I feel no one is looking, eliminating the need to rely solely on willpower to overcome urges during late hours.

Inspired by the sleep schedule of successful entrepreneur Tom Bilyeu, I delved into the importance of consistency in our sleep patterns and its profound impact on our physical and emotional well-being.

The Power of Fixed Sleeping Time:

When I stumbled upon Tom Bilyeu's narrative of sleeping every day at 9 PM and waking without an alarm clock, I was immediately captivated.

His emphasis on the significance of adhering to a consistent sleep schedule struck a chord with me.

It became evident that such discipline plays a vital role in obtaining sufficient rest and allowing our bodies to harmoniously adjust to the ideal time for slumber.

By aligning ourselves with our natural circadian rhythm, the internal body clock that operates on a 24-hour cycle, we unlock a treasure trove of benefits, including improved sleep quality, reduced late-night insomnia, and an overall enhancement of our well-being.

The beauty of a consistent sleep schedule lies in its ability to regulate our body's internal clock. Our circadian rhythm orchestrates crucial bodily functions, such as our sleep-wake cycles, body temperature fluctuations, and hormone production.

When we adhere to a fixed sleeping time, our bodies recognize the pattern, leading to a smoother transition into slumber at the same time each night. This, in turn, enables us to experience deeper, more restorative sleep, promoting physical and mental rejuvenation.

One of the significant hurdles to a restful night's sleep is late-night insomnia, which can stem from irregular sleep patterns.

By establishing a consistent sleep schedule, we can break free from the shackles of this disruptive condition.

As we honor our body's natural rhythm, it learns to anticipate and prepare for sleep, reducing the time spent waiting to fall asleep and diminishing the prevalence of insomnia.

In addition to the physical benefits, a fixed sleeping schedule grants us a profound sense of control and discipline over our daily routines.

Waking up without the aid of an alarm clock demonstrates our bodies' synchronization with nature, as we naturally awaken when we have obtained sufficient rest.

This newfound harmony with our biological rhythm fosters a heightened sense of alertness, increased energy levels, and an overall improvement in our mood and cognitive function.

Moreover, maintaining a regular sleep pattern can have a ripple effect on various aspects of our lives.

As we consistently wake up refreshed and energized, we are better equipped to tackle daily challenges with clarity and focus. The increased mental acuity resulting from a well-rested mind enhances our productivity and decision-making abilities throughout the day.

The Perils of Inconsistent Sleep:

Tom also mentioned how deviating from a fixed sleeping schedule bears striking resemblance to subjecting ourselves to perpetual jet lag.

I was really intrigued by that statement and went to do some research on it. It turns out it is related to circadian rhythm again. At its core, jet lag is classed as a circadian rhythm sleep disorder as it‘s caused by your body‘s circadian rhythm.

Just as jet lag disrupts our circadian rhythm and wreaks havoc on our wakefulness, sleepiness, body temperature fluctuations, and hormone production, inconsistent sleep times also inflict a toll on our well-being.

This disruptive pattern makes it challenging to achieve the restorative REM sleep essential for our physical and emotional rejuvenation.

Our bodies thrive on consistency and routine, and our circadian rhythm plays a crucial role in regulating our internal processes.

When we maintain a fixed sleeping schedule, our body clock becomes finely attuned to our bedtime and wake-up time, ensuring that we receive the right amount of rest each night.

However, when we deviate from this rhythm by going to bed at different times, our body's internal clock becomes confused, much like the disorientation experienced during jet lag.

This state of confusion disrupts the synchronization of our biological functions, leading to difficulties in falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. The resulting fragmented sleep not only reduces the quantity of rest we obtain but also compromises its quality.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, a crucial stage of the sleep cycle associated with dreaming and essential cognitive processes, is particularly affected by inconsistent sleep patterns.

Without adequate REM sleep, our mental clarity, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation suffer.

This can lead to mood swings, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and a general sense of grogginess and fatigue during the day.

Moreover, the body's ability to repair and rejuvenate itself during sleep is compromised, negatively impacting our physical health and immune function.

Inconsistent sleep patterns also disrupt the release of important hormones, such as cortisol and melatonin, which regulate our stress response and sleep-wake cycles, respectively.

As these hormone levels fluctuate irregularly, our bodies struggle to find equilibrium, leading to increased stress, sleep disturbances, and potential long-term health consequences.

To restore balance and reap the benefits of restorative sleep, it is vital to prioritize a consistent sleep schedule. By establishing a fixed bedtime and wake-up time, we reestablish the harmony between our body's natural rhythm and our daily routines.

Over time, our bodies recognize and respond to these consistent patterns, allowing us to experience the full restorative power of a good night's sleep.

Quality Over Quantity:

Amid my endeavor to sleep earlier, a profound realization surfaced - it is the quality of sleep that holds paramount importance over its quantity.

Following an incident of PMO, I encountered difficulties falling asleep, resulting in a mere 5 hours of fragmented rest, despite my perception of having slept around 7 hours.

Similarly, on disrupted sleep days, even with 8-9 hours of sleep, I didn't feel well-rested, while on other days, with less than 7 hours of sleep, particularly when sleeping alone, I felt surprisingly good.

These observations highlight the significance of sleep quality over quantity and the influence of environmental factors on our restorative rest.

I quickly comprehended that inadequate rest could significantly diminish the benefits of sleep, depriving us of its essential and restorative effects.

The notion that "more is better" when it comes to sleep can be misleading. While the number of hours we spend in slumber is crucial, the depth and restfulness of our sleep are equally vital.

A night's rest marked by continuous, undisturbed sleep cycles allows our bodies and minds to enter the essential stages of sleep, such as REM sleep.

During REM sleep, our brains are intensely active, facilitating memory consolidation, emotional processing, and cognitive restoration. This phase is crucial for rejuvenation and a sense of mental clarity upon waking.

Fragmented sleep, on the other hand, inhibits our ability to reach these restorative stages, depriving us of the full benefits of sleep.

Furthermore, the impact of fragmented sleep extends beyond the physical realm.

Emotionally, insufficient and disrupted rest can lead to mood disturbances, irritability, and heightened stress levels.

Cognitively, it impairs our ability to focus, make decisions, and retain information, hindering our productivity and overall performance throughout the day.

Regrettably, incidents of PMO can disturb our emotional equilibrium and disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it challenging to fall asleep and maintain uninterrupted rest. Despite thinking that PMO would lead to relaxation and easier sleep, I find myself haunted by the scenes and plagued by self-doubt and guilt afterward.

A strange phenomenon occurs when I try to sleep after my usual bedtime; I struggle to fall asleep, and I have difficulty sleeping if it's past 11 PM.

Rise Science authors suggest this could be due to missing my melatonin window, where melatonin production peaks around our regular bedtime, leading to a more difficult time falling asleep.

After experiencing such occurrences, whether it's PMO or late nights, I find that I feel more tired even if I attempt to sleep longer.

Understanding the profound implications of inadequate sleep, I now recognize the importance of nurturing healthy sleep habits and safeguarding the sanctity of our sleep time.

Prioritizing quality rest and cultivating consistent sleep patterns are essential for maintaining overall well-being and emotional balance.

To improve the quality of our sleep, creating a calming bedtime routine and a comfortable sleep environment is essential.

Prioritizing relaxation (like light yoga stretching) and minimizing exposure to screens (blue light exposure) and stimulating activities at least 2 hours before bedtime can aid in easing the transition into restful sleep.

Additionally, cultivating a mindful and peaceful mindset can alleviate the emotional burdens that might otherwise interfere with our sleep.

So now, I stopped using any form of smart devices, TV or computer after 8 PM (unless I really want to get some work done). Instead, I will play piano or play card/board games with my girls instead. Then at 9 PM or so, I will start to wind down by doing some light stretches and foot massages.

Embracing the Beauty of Early Sleep:

Recognizing the profound benefits of sleeping early extends far beyond enhanced sleep quality; it also fosters stronger emotional bonds with our loved ones.

A prime example of this is the cherished moments I now share with my daughter before she goes to bed, nurturing and strengthening our close relationship.

Additionally, waking up earlier enables me to embrace valuable time for meditation and mindful preparation, resulting in increased patience, mental clarity, and reduced cravings throughout the day.

The decision to prioritize an early bedtime has proven to be a game-changer in my daily life.

By tucking myself into bed earlier, I create a serene atmosphere that allows me to connect more deeply with my daughter during her bedtime routine. These shared moments, filled with stories, laughter, and tender goodnight wishes, have become cherished memories that fortify the bond we share.

As we bask in this peaceful connection, I am reminded of the priceless value of quality time spent with loved ones.

Furthermore, waking up earlier has bestowed a newfound sense of tranquility upon my mornings.

As I rise before the sun, I find myself immersed in a sacred space for meditation, self-reflection, and intention-setting. This quiet solitude provides the ideal foundation for cultivating a calm mind and clear focus, setting the tone for the day ahead.

Embracing these moments of stillness, I nurture my inner self and enhance my emotional well-being, making it easier to navigate the challenges that may arise during the day.

The benefits of waking early extend beyond emotional well-being; they also have a profound impact on my physical health and overall lifestyle.

By having more time at my disposal, I am able to savor a leisurely breakfast, engage in morning stretches, and embark on activities that nourish my body and soul.

This unhurried start to the day fosters a sense of balance, preventing the stress and rush that often accompany a busy morning routine.

Moreover, my newfound routine has led to a remarkable reduction in cravings and impulsive behaviors.

There is no longer a chance to PMO at night as long as I sleep in at the same time as the girls. I even told my wife to catch me if I tried to sleep up late. I am most likely up to no good.

The quietude of early morning meditation allows me to tune into my inner self, strengthening my self-awareness and mindfulness.

As a result, I find myself better equipped to make conscious, health-conscious choices throughout the day, staying on track with my well-being goals and avoiding distractions that may otherwise hinder my progress.

Enjoying the Calm of Early Mornings:

road beside trees during golden hour
road beside trees during golden hour

The decision to sleep early also allowed me to wake up early (like 5-6 am). Waking up early has bestowed upon my mornings a profound sense of accomplishment and tranquility.

Engaging in a peaceful run, followed by meditation, and preparing breakfast for my girls fills me with positive energy and a gratifying sense of achievement. Embracing this early routine offers me ample time to focus on myself, undisturbed by the rush of everyday life.

As the sun gently rises, I relish the stillness and quietude of the early hours. It is a time when the world around me is just awakening, and the sense of calm envelopes everything. This newfound sense of serenity sets the tone for the rest of my day, infusing it with a harmonious and composed ambiance.

The morning run has become a ritual of self-care and rejuvenation. With each step, I feel a profound connection to nature and my body's strength.

The rhythmic motion serves as a meditative practice, allowing me to release stress and clear my mind, making way for the day's possibilities. The endorphin release from the run uplifts my spirits, filling me with a sense of optimism and well-being.

Following the run, I immerse myself in a tranquil meditation session.

This dedicated time of introspection centers me, providing a mental sanctuary where I can explore my thoughts and emotions without judgment.

The practice enhances my self-awareness, offering insights that ripple into my daily interactions, imbuing them with a greater sense of empathy and understanding.

As the morning unfolds, I delight in preparing breakfast for my girls.

Knowing that I am doing something meaningful for the girls sets the tone for a positive and fulfilling day ahead. These moments of connection remind me of the profound joys found in simple, everyday rituals.

Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of waking early is the gift of time. This uninterrupted period allows me to prioritize myself and engage in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment.

It provides the space for personal growth, self-reflection, and exploration of interests that might otherwise be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of a hectic day.

In this oasis of tranquility, I feel empowered and recharged, mentally and emotionally prepared to face whatever challenges the day may hold. By carving out this time for myself, I set a precedent of self-care that reverberates throughout the day, reminding me to be present and mindful in all my endeavors.


As I reflect on the journey of fixed sleeping time and early sleep, I've encountered some challenges and valuable insights.

One thing I noticed is that even though I work and sleep later, I sometimes feel more tired than when I used to sleep until 7 AM. It could be due to my body adjusting to the new schedule or the fact that my girls' bedtime routines sometimes disrupt my rest.

While Tom Bilyeu emphasizes uninterrupted and quality sleep, I find that achieving it is nearly impossible for me as a light sleeper sharing a room with my active children.

I've come to accept that stringent adherence to a specific sleep schedule may cause unnecessary stress and strain my interactions with my children. Instead, I cherish the time I spend sleeping with them while they still desire it.

Despite the challenges, the journey has revealed the transformative power of consistency in sleep patterns.

Embracing a fixed sleep schedule aligns us with our natural rhythms, leading to improved sleep quality and reduced insomnia.

Prioritizing the quality of rest over its duration nurtures both physical and emotional well-being, leaving us feeling more fulfilled and balanced.

The serenity of early sleep has brought a sense of accomplishment and tranquility to my mornings. Cherishing moments with loved ones and engaging in peaceful morning routines have created a harmonious balance in my life.

By honoring these practices, I unlock the potential for a more meaningful and fulfilling existence, embracing the beauty of early mornings and the positive impact they have on my overall health and happiness.

As I eagerly continue on this path for at least a month, I savor the beauty of early mornings and the invaluable connection with my loved ones. Each day offers a new opportunity to cultivate consistency and find deeper meaning in the rhythm of life.

With gratitude for the lessons learned, I embrace the transformative journey of fixed sleeping time and early sleep, as it continues to shape my well-being and enrich my life.

With love,