Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck (Summary Plus Reflection)

A New Kind Of Book Summary - Reflection And True Application.


6/7/202322 min read

To be honest, I must admit that this book can be quite challenging to read, especially in the first half.

The dramatic use of profanity may give it a raw and angsty tone, akin to the writings of a rebellious teenager. Reminds me so much of the young Ah-beng wannabes who are unable to speak without vulgarity in their grammar.

However, this might be the author’s intention as it kinda reflects the reality of life.

Life, much like trying to read the book, is filled with a multitude of difficulties that can make us feel challenged and put off by.

But if we muster the courage to delve deeper and endure the initial storms, we often discover the true beauty that lies beneath the surface.

This principle holds true not only for life in general but also for various aspects such as business endeavors, learning something new, embarking on relationships or marriages, and raising children.

In all these areas, we often encounter obstacles and hardships that can cause us to doubt ourselves and question the path we have chosen.

Yet, it is precisely through perseverance and resilience that we can uncover the profound meaning and joy that these experiences can bring.

The storms we face at the beginning are often necessary to test our resolve and commitment, to separate those who are merely dabbling from those who are truly dedicated.

Anyway, let’s get on with the book.

Table Of Content


In a world where self-improvement is celebrated and everyone seems to have it all figured out, it's easy to feel inadequate and overwhelmed by the pressure to constantly strive for greatness.

We are bombarded with messages that we should be exceptional, that we should always be positive, and that we should never settle for anything less than extraordinary.

But what happens when we can't meet these lofty expectations? What happens when we find ourselves stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and disappointment?

In my personal reflection on Mark Manson's book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," I delve into my own journey of self-acceptance and the realization that personal growth goes hand in hand with embracing who we are in the present moment.

I've spent much of my life feeling like I wasn't good enough, constantly comparing myself to others and internalizing the belief that success was out of reach for someone like me.

But through Manson's unconventional and refreshing perspective, I discovered a different approach to life—one that allowed me to let go of the need for constant validation and embrace the freedom of choosing what truly matters to me.

In this article, I explore three key themes: the overrated nature of self-esteem, the importance of choosing our battles wisely, and the transformative power of negative experiences.

By sharing my own struggles and insights, I hope to inspire others to break free from the constraints of societal expectations and find the courage to live authentically, embracing both the highs and lows of the human experience.

It is through this journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance that we can truly find fulfillment and create a meaningful impact in our own lives and the lives of others.

Self Acceptance

you are worthy of love sign beside tree and road
you are worthy of love sign beside tree and road

Mark Manson shared a profound perspective on self-acceptance, one that challenges the conventional advice that constantly pushes us to focus on what we will become, implying that we're not good enough in the present moment.

I have to admit that, despite not showing it outwardly, I have always harbored a strong dislike for myself.

I carried regrets about not earning enough money to provide my parents with a comfortable life and not achieving the same level of success in my career as my closest friends. I found myself stuck in entry-level positions, despite trying my hand at various jobs.

Even today, I can't shake off the memories of disappointment reflected in the eyes of some of my past bosses, as I fell short of their expectations and failed to prove myself otherwise.

I entered each job with dreams and motivation, determined to be the best. But somewhere along the way, I seemed to lack the drive to go above and beyond.

As my disappointment with myself grew, I started seeking out easier, less inspiring jobs.

In my job searches, I always gravitated toward entry-level positions, believing that no one would hire me for higher roles. It became a self-imposed limitation, seeking simplicity over growth.

Merely getting by seemed sufficient.

I gradually accepted that I was incapable of achieving greatness, and I resented myself for it.

To make matters worse, self-help gurus bombarded me with messages of exceptionalism and relentless success. It felt like a constant reminder of my personal failure, reinforcing the belief that I was not good enough.

However, today I have come to a profound understanding: while personal growth is undoubtedly important, accepting ourselves in the present moment is equally crucial.

I have learned to love myself despite my flaws and recognize that I am still worthy of love, even when I feel messed up. The love and support I receive from my parents, wife, children and dear friends remind me of this truth.

My aspiration for self-improvement now stems from a genuine desire to grow and inspire my children.

I have realized the importance of accepting who I am presently and acknowledging that I want to be a better version of myself, not out of disdain for my current state, but because I believe in my potential to become better—a better parent, a better spouse, a better child, a better person.

Remember, you are deserving of love and respect, just as you are.

Embrace the journey of becoming the best version of yourself, while appreciating the imperfectly beautiful person you are today.

Overrated Self-esteem

“Self-esteem, by itself, is overrated. It doesn’t help to feel good about yourself unless you have a good reason for feeling that way. The struggle makes self-esteem useful, not the participation trophy.”

Our society seems fixated on promoting positivity and convincing everyone that they are destined for extraordinary things.

I remember how motivated I felt during my MLM days when I was told to believe that I was special. Heck, even the Bible says, "We are all made in the image of God."

So, naturally, that means we're all meant for great things, right? Well, turns out, I bought into that idea without hesitation. I mean, who wouldn't want to feel special?

I remembered the days where I spent looking at the mirror telling myself every morning how wonderful I am and I am amazing. While it made me feel good about myself, somehow It felt really empty. The uplifted feeling wouldn’t last long either. It left the moment I stepped out to reality.

And then there's that whole "fake it till you make it" mantra. In MLM, I was told to act like a successful business owner when approaching prospects. In sales, I was told to act as if our company has thousands of clients when we pitch our sales.

The problem was, I could never quite pull off the act.

I kept trying and trying, hopping from MLM to several sales jobs, and I couldn't help but wonder why I wasn't successful. The only logical conclusion I could draw was that I must be the problem—the rotten apple in the bunch.

The only one that is not special.

So, naturally, success was out of the question for me. It just wasn't meant to be.

But here's the reality check: all of us are pretty average.

And you know what? Being average is perfectly fine!

We don't have to be the next Mother Teresa or Elon Musk to make a meaningful impact in the world. We can choose to embrace our averageness and still contribute in our unique way.

Sure, we might excel in one area, but we're average or even subpar in most others.

Most successful celebrities or famous entrepreneurs suck at their relationships. Multiple star athletes suck at managing their money.

No one is good at everything.

Expectional people are ones that think they are average and willing to put in exceptional hours to improve their skills.

Confidence and self-esteem come from actual achievement, not empty affirmations.

Like Mark said, "There's no reason to feel good about yourself unless you have a good reason to feel that way." And let's not forget what Robert Greene taught us: you can't fake confidence because your body will betray you.

So, instead of relying on empty slogans and false confidence, start with small achievements.

For me, that means building a website with at least 100 articles and 100 videos on YouTube.

Little by little, I'm affirming to myself that I can accomplish what I set out for. I'm also building confidence by being a disciplined person, doing specific daily tasks that reinforce my sense of achievement.

By accepting ourselves, faults and all, we free ourselves from the burden of unrealistic expectations and the constant pressure to be exceptional.

We can focus on personal growth without losing sight of our inherent worth and the value we bring to the world.

So, let us celebrate our average selves, embrace self-acceptance, and strive for growth not to escape our current reality, but to enhance it.

Stop Giving A Heck About Every Single Thing

Now, here's some advice that might sound a little unconventional from Mark: don't give a f*ck about everything in life. Seriously, save your f*cks for the things that are immediate and important to you.

In today's world, especially with the prevalence of social media, it's incredibly difficult to find happiness when everyone seems happier, richer, more adventurous, and in better relationships than you.

But hey, thinking that your life is meaningless is a privilege I have because my wife is working her ass off to provide us with the bread and butter. Otherwise, I'd be too busy juggling two roles—as a father and an employee—to contemplate such existential questions.

It's easy to feel demoralized when you compare yourself to others and think, "What the f*ck am I doing with my life?"

You end up feeling like the odd one out because it seems like everyone else is doing so well.

Well, here's a friendly reminder: most of the feedback and opinions you receive are from people you don't even care about.

Especially in the world of social media, everyone suddenly feels privileged to give a piece of their mind, whether their comments are helpful or not. And thanks to the shield of anonymity behind their screens, people tend to be more abrasive and rude.

So, why waste your f*cks on their opinions?

Let's shift our focus to what truly matters. It's time to break free from the relentless comparisons and constant bombardment of other people's lives on social media.

No more getting caught up in the news of the extravagant lifestyles of the rich and wealthy.

And most importantly, let's put an end to the overwhelming flood of advice on how we should live and what it means to be a man.

Instead, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, where we define our own values and build our lives upon them.

It's about aligning our actions and choices with what truly resonates with our hearts and souls. No longer will we be swayed by external expectations or societal norms.

In this pursuit, we will strive to excel in every role that holds significance in our lives. Whether it's as a partner, a parent, a friend, or a professional, we will invest our energy in honing our skills and becoming the best versions of ourselves in each domain.

Choose Your Suffering

Let's talk about happiness. You know where it comes from?

Solving problems.

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. - Duke Ellington

I can vividly recall the sheer euphoria and pride I felt when, at the age of 12, I spent an entire night unraveling a video game riddle. It was a remarkable moment that brought me immense happiness.

However, being the perfectionist that I am, the advent of FAQs and cheats readily available on the internet gradually eroded the need for me to solve problems in games.

As a result, my motivation shifted towards ego boosting and deriving false pride from obliterating computer opponents through unfair advantages and unlimited resources obtained through cheating.

It's crucial to recognize that wishing for a life devoid of problems is an impossible endeavor.

Such a life simply doesn't exist. Instead, we should aspire for a life filled with worthwhile problems to solve—challenges that ignite our passion, test our abilities, and enable personal growth.

Now, here's a choice you need to make: choose your suffering.

Yep, life comes with suffering no matter what we do. Even the things that seem glamorous involve their fair share of agony.

Take being a successful entrepreneur, for example. Sure, you might enjoy the fruits of your labor, but you'll likely suffer from long working hours and high stress due to business problems and volatility.

And let's not forget the amazing athlete who endures long training hours and multiple surgeries to fix injuries.

Even things that look easy come with suffering too. Like if you're a hikikomori, you're likely to experience life crises, being dead broke and health issues.

The grass is always greener on the other side, right?

Speaking from personal experience, my prolonged video game and porn addiction brought about low self-esteem, depression, and a distinct lack of anything admirable in my life.

But you know what?

Since I have to suffer anyway, I choose my suffering.

As Mark mentioned, when we choose our own problems, we feel empowered. So, I keep going because I know I've chosen to do NoFap, stay up late writing articles, and exercise every day. I chose this path.

Growing Through Negative Experience

green plant on gray rock
green plant on gray rock

Now, here's a thought: seeking negative experiences can actually lead to positive growth.

This thought is absolutely mind-blowing to me.

The more we desire positive experiences, the more unsatisfied we become. Just take my pornography venture, for example. What started as simple curiosity turned into a daily hunt for the next mind-blowing experience.

But here's the thing—too much of a good thing desensitizes our dopamine receptors, and we end up needing more and more to feel the same satisfaction. It's a common theme among addicts of all kinds.

But guess what?

Seeking uncomfortable experiences is where the real growth happens. It's like exercising—it might leave you sore, but it helps you build muscles and improves your heart health.

And fasting? It puts your body in a state of autophagy, clearing out unhealthy cells and creating new ones. So, it's time to embrace discomfort and try things that make you cringe a little. The more you dislike something, the more you should attempt to try it.

Take me, for example. I've started recording a 5-minute video of myself every day to overcome my fear of making YouTube videos. It's uncomfortable, it's awkward, but it's helping me grow.

Another example of negative turn positive is the birth of my two little angels.

All parents, especially those without external help, are well acquainted with the first two years of a newborn. It's a period that can make hell itself seem like a friendly gathering.

The nights devoid of sleep, the endless cycle of feeding, cleaning, and crying—it's enough to test even the strongest of souls. And as if that wasn't enough, the stresses and uncertainties of being first-time parents further add to the mix.

It was undoubtedly the most challenging time I've ever experienced in my life, and yet, paradoxically, it was also the most rewarding.

Amidst the chaos and exhaustion, something extraordinary happened.

The beautiful lives that grew in our care brought forth not only love and joy but also an unexpected personal growth.

It was a growth that no amount of preparation or prior experience could have adequately equipped me for. It was a crash course in resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication.

Those sleepless nights taught me the true meaning of sacrifice and selflessness. As I stumbled through the darkness, fumbling to soothe a crying baby, I discovered strengths within me that I never knew existed.

The nonstop feeding and cleaning became a testament to my endurance and the depth of my commitment as a parent.

But it wasn't just the physical demands that pushed me to my limits. The emotional roller coaster ride of uncertainty and doubt added a whole new dimension of challenge.

Yet, in navigating those turbulent waters, I found an inner strength and resilience that allowed me to weather the storms with unwavering determination.

Looking back, I can say with absolute certainty that those first two years were a transformative period. It was a time of immense growth, not just for my children but also for myself.

It was a journey that demanded everything I had to give and more. And in return, it rewarded me with profound lessons, a deepened sense of empathy, and a reservoir of love that knows no bounds.

So, to all the parents out there who have experienced or are currently experiencing the whirlwind of those early years, I salute you. You are navigating a challenging path, and yet, you are also paving the way for remarkable personal growth.

Embrace the chaos, cherish the sleepless nights, and know that amidst the difficulties lies an unparalleled opportunity for self-discovery and transformation.

In the end, it is through these trials and tribulations that we emerge stronger, wiser, and more capable than we ever thought possible.

The journey of parenthood is indeed an extraordinary one, and I am grateful for every moment of it—the good, the bad, and the beautifully chaotic.

You Are Always Choosing (Aware Or Not)

Avoidance has been my go-to coping mechanism for as long as I can remember.

Whenever disagreements arose, I would either resort to a silent cold war with my loved ones or raise my voice in an attempt to assert dominance and win arguments.

And in the face of stress and emotional turmoil, retreating into the realm of pornography and video gaming provided a sanctuary—a temporary escape from the challenges of reality.

But perhaps my biggest tendency was to push away responsibility. When I first stumbled upon the enlightening video "Your Brain On Porn," it became all too convenient to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of pornography for my lack of achievements.

And as if that wasn't enough, I also shifted the burden onto video games, conveniently making them the scapegoat for my perceived shortcomings.

I even had a “poor me” party with myself. Crying for the years that I had wasted on pornography and video games.

Yet, five years ago, when I experienced a relapse after a commendable 60-day streak, I spiraled into a state of depression. In that moment of vulnerability, I relinquished all sense of responsibility (as usual) and convinced myself that it is too hard to quit.

It took me a long time (3 years) but I've come to realize that wallowing in self-pity and abdicating responsibility achieves nothing. It's a vicious cycle that perpetuates a sense of powerlessness and robs me of the agency to change my circumstances.

So, instead of succumbing to despair, I've chosen a different path.

I've decided to reclaim my power and acknowledge that I am not defined by my past mistakes. I am not a helpless victim of circumstances, but rather an individual capable of growth, transformation, and taking charge of my own life.

No longer will I allow avoidance to dictate my actions.

I decided to hold responsibility.

I am responsible for deciding to spend hours and hours playing video games rather than improving myself. I am responsible for the moment that I decided to steal a CD from my dad’s secret stash and started on the path to addiction.

I am responsible for my life so far as I have made every decision leading to where I am now.

I will confront the challenges head-on, engaging in open and honest communication with my loved ones, seeking resolution and understanding. I will strive to develop healthier coping mechanisms that nurture my emotional well-being and foster genuine connections with those around me.

Moreover, I now understand that blaming external factors for my setbacks is a disempowering mindset. It's time to embrace accountability and recognize that true change begins from within.

And it's not just about taking responsibility for what happens to us; it's also about taking responsibility for how we respond to those events.

In the grand scheme of things, there are many aspects of life that we can't control—what will happen, how people will react to us, or the fluctuations of the stock market.

However, there are two powerful catalysts for success and happiness that we can control: our response to events and how we choose to spend our time.

So, I remind myself every day that I have the power to choose my response to any situation that arises.

I stick a note right in front of my laptop (the image you see just now) as a constant reminder.

It's a small but powerful shift in mindset that empowers me to take control and make the most of every circumstance.

Everything We Know Is Wrong

I've had my fair share of eye-opening experiences that have shattered my preconceived notions.

Whether it was mistakenly heading to the wrong pickup location for a cruise or subscribing to the misguided belief that MLM was a guaranteed path to success, I've come to realize that my understanding of the world was completely off the mark.

Ah, and let's not forget my belief that pornography was harmless because, hey, self-love is important, right?

Oh boy, was I mistaken on all counts.

It's humbling to recognize just how many assumptions we make and how many beliefs we hold without ever questioning them.

We go through life operating on autopilot, accepting things at face value without delving deeper into their validity.

But adopting a mindset of curiosity and skepticism can lead us to shed our stereotypes and challenge our assumptions about others.

By putting our judgments on hold and seeking evidence to support or debunk our beliefs, we open ourselves up to growth and understanding. We start to question whether this time can be different, whether there is any substantial evidence to back up our assumptions.

In doing so, we break free from the trap of certainty—the false sense of security that inhibits our personal development.

The truth is, we often shy away from situations that might prove our beliefs wrong.

We prefer to stick to what feels comfortable and familiar, even if it hinders our progress. But real growth happens when we embrace the unknown and willingly admit that we were mistaken in our previous convictions.

As Mark wisely shared, "The magnitude of your success is determined by the number of failures you had at that thing."

It's through our failures and the willingness to challenge our self-imposed limitations that we find the pathway to growth. We can break free from the chains of self-doubt by confronting our fears head-on.

For instance, I used to firmly believe that I was a terrible writer and presenter. That belief held me back for far too long.

But now, I'm actively challenging that notion by pushing myself to write everyday and record videos. It's a deliberate journey of growth and self-improvement—one that demands stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the possibility of failure.

Choose Your Values Wisely

In the book, Mark offers a compelling illustration of the similar situations faced by Dave Mustaine and Pete Best.

Both were prematurely kicked out of their bands, only to witness their respective bands achieve astonishing success.

Dave Mustaine, despite his new band, Megadeth, selling over 25 million albums and being hailed as one of the most influential musicians in heavy-metal music, ended up feeling miserable.

His definition of success was rooted in outperforming Metallica. However, this narrow focus on surpassing others left him perpetually dissatisfied, unable to fully appreciate his own achievements.

On the other hand, Pete Best, in terms of his career trajectory, may be considered by many as a "loser." However, he found happiness and continued to enjoy music.

The crucial difference lay in Pete's decision to shift his perspective when he started a family. He chose to place value on what he already had—a loving family, a stable marriage, and a simple life.

Mark delves further into the distinction between good and bad values. Good values are those within our control and align with societal harmony, while bad values are those beyond our control.

For instance, seeking popularity is a bad value because it is not something we can fully control. On the other hand, honesty is a good value because we have complete control over it.

I personally used to consider humor as a value, hoping it would make me popular. However, I came to realize that humor is more of a skill and less controllable than I initially thought.

Instead, I recognized the importance of not taking myself too seriously—a value I have control over.

Today, my values revolve around discipline, courage, honesty, prioritizing family, and nurturing curiosity. These values guide me in making decisions and shaping my character.

It is important to note that values require prioritization.

Many of us desire to be millionaires, own big houses, travel the world, have attractive partners, possess a six-pack physique, wield great influence, and more.

But what are we willing to sacrifice to achieve those things? Which values hold the utmost importance for us? Having clear values serves as a compass, guiding us when we encounter crossroads in life.

By consciously choosing our values, we can lead a life that is true to ourselves, aligning our actions with what truly matters to us.

It is through this alignment that we find fulfillment and navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose.

Failing Forward

Mark shared an invaluable secret: to become unstoppable, you must stop caring about the pain that accompanies your goals.

In fact, it's even more powerful to embrace that pain and wholeheartedly pursue your aspirations.

I'll admit, I have always harbored an intense fear of failure.

This fear prevented me from entering into relationships before I met my wife. The dread of rejection and the possibility of choosing the wrong partner were so overwhelming that I would disconnect at the slightest hint of dissatisfaction, even over trivial matters.

However, my relationship with my wife proved to be different. It only succeeded because she gave me a chance, and we endured a year of long-distance after being together for just two weeks.

That year apart was crucial, as it allowed us to discover each other's faults and strengths from a distance. The absence we experienced actually strengthened our bond, enabling us to discuss our differences calmly and objectively.

Had we been physically close during that time, my insecurities and need for control would have undoubtedly led to a breakup.

It's clear that my fear of failure almost sabotaged a truly fulfilling relationship.

This fear has seeped into other areas of my life as well.

I dread cold calls due to my fear of rejection. I have avoided participating in competitions out of fear of losing. And I haven't stayed in any job for long because the commitment and the pressure to constantly improve as I progress in seniority have overwhelmed me.

The truth is, I despise failure.

But I've come to realize that if I view it as a necessary part of growth—similar to the way my legs ache after a run, my arms become sore from weight training, or how I repeat notes while learning to play the piano—it no longer seems so daunting.

As the quote goes, "If you haven't made any mistakes, then you haven't made any decisions yet."

In fact, it becomes more manageable and even paramount. I've learned that small doses of pain are essential for life to flourish.

Just as one can build tolerance, and even immunity, to snake venom by ingesting it in small doses daily, we can develop resilience and become as strong as titanium in the face of failures.

Accepting the challenges and difficulties that come with failure is essential, for it is through overcoming those obstacles that we truly grow and achieve greatness.

So, if I ever find myself stuck, uncertain of what to do, I will hold onto the advice that has served me well: "Just do something, and inspiration will follow."

Taking action, even in the face of fear, has the remarkable power to ignite inspiration and propel us forward on the path to success.

Don’t Focus On Legacy

Now, let's delve into the topic of legacy.

We are all aware that our time on this Earth is limited. That's why, for many of us, leaving a lasting legacy holds great importance.

When we think of legacy, we often envision writing a bestselling book, having a building or street named after us, having our autobiographies found in libraries, being interviewed by influential figures like Oprah, or being honored in prestigious halls of fame.

Personally, I believed that I needed to create an incredible website or YouTube channel so that my impact would continue even after my passing.

Finding purpose in life is often considered the ultimate goal.

However, the truth is that it's the little things that truly matter—the meaning we find in our everyday roles as a father, a husband, or even a stay-at-home dad.

For me, true joy comes from raising children who become the best versions of themselves, allowing them the freedom to express themselves and letting them know they are unconditionally loved. It's about nurturing and shaping them into extraordinary individuals who positively contribute to humanity.

As a stay-at-home dad, I take pleasure in cooking every meal if possible, ensuring that it's nutritious and lays a solid foundation for their health. I strive to create a clean and loving home, so that when my wife returns from a weary day at work, she finds solace and support.

As a husband, I vow to love my wife unconditionally and be her most supportive listener. I will remind her of how wonderful she is and appreciate her for everything she brings to our lives.

The same principle applies to being a son, a brother, a friend, and a fellow human being.

It's about finding joy in each role we play and striving to do our best in each one.

Ultimately, it's not about achieving monumental feats or leaving behind a grandiose legacy.

As one of the Okinawa locals shared in the Yes Theory video, it's about finding fulfillment in the little moments, the everyday actions that shape our lives and the lives of those around us.

So, let's savor those moments and cherish the meaning we create within them. It's in those seemingly ordinary acts that we possess the power to make a significant impact.

Embracing the present and nurturing our relationships will create a legacy that extends far beyond what can be measured by fame or material success.


As I conclude this personal reflection on "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the profound lessons I've learned along this journey.

Mark Manson's unconventional and thought-provoking insights have challenged my beliefs, and inspired a shift in my perspective.

This book has taught me that personal growth is not about striving for some unattainable notion of perfection or comparing myself to others.

It is about accepting who I am in the present moment, flaws and all, while striving to become a better version of myself for the sake of those I love and care about.

The relentless pursuit of external validation only leads to disappointment and a never-ending cycle of seeking approval from people who ultimately don't matter.

Instead, I have come to focus on aligning my actions with my own values and aspirations.

I now understand that happiness is not the absence of problems but rather the ability to face and overcome challenges.

By choosing my own suffering, I have discovered a sense of empowerment and a renewed purpose in life.

Moreover, I have learned the profound impact of negative experiences on personal growth. It is through these struggles and adversities that I have discovered inner strength, resilience, and the capacity to endure.

They have shaped me into a stronger, more compassionate, and more adaptable individual.

Perhaps the most significant revelation for me has been the realization of personal responsibility.

I have come to understand that I am the author of my own story, and it is up to me to make choices that align with my values and aspirations.

No longer will I hide behind avoidance or external circumstances. Instead, I embrace the power within me to shape my own destiny.

I invite you, my dear reader, to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Embrace the lessons shared in this book and let them guide you towards a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Remember, it is through the acceptance of who you are, the pursuit of personal growth, and the conscious choices you make that you can create a life that truly matters.

May you find the courage to let go of what doesn't serve you, to embrace discomfort, and to choose your own path.

And may you discover the subtle art of not giving a f*ck and find true fulfillment in the process.

With gratitude and the utmost belief in your potential,

And love.